The Technology and Mental Health

Technology progressions have had a positive transformational phase in human advancement. Technology is now an integral aspect of our daily lives. We need it for work, when at home and when we work from home. The days of living without computers are long gone.
Balancing the need for an internet connection and the mental health effects when used excessively is crucial and challenging at the same time. The application of technology has been recently linked to several mental health conditions.

Negative Impacts

Technology is an integral part of our daily lives. We use it at work, at home and when we work from home. Gone are the days of shutting down a desktop computer and simply stepping away. The associated mental health issues include anxiety, depression and sleep disorders. Moreover, the constant need and urge to stay connected can make people.
Social media usage has been linked with a higher risk of facilitating depression and anxiety. Moreover, the constant use of social media leads to dopamine release in the body, which is a feel-good hormone that leads to spending more time on social media. Hence, more time spent on social platforms leads to feelings of isolation as there are fewer social connections.

Positive Impacts

Social media helps to provide a sense of community and social support. The connection promotes community and social support. Teletherapy has been an essential resource for persons seeking mental health support. For instance, during COVID-19 technology allowed access to mental health services in remote areas.

The Mental Health Solution

The best practices you can execute to help balance the use of technology and mental health are diverse. However, some of the solutions could comprise setting boundaries through the establishment of screen time.
Unplugging through regular breaks from technology assists in reducing stress and enhancing mental clarity. For example, connecting more to nature and walking.
Persons can practice mindful use of technology through the use of vision boards and setting specific goals. Moreover, the goals ought to focus on the time spent online, for instance, checking emails.



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