The Importance of Play for Child Development

What do you think of when it comes to children plays? From the research made, play is a key component for children as it helps them develop themselves across multiple domains. It is clear that from the importance of play enables the parents and teachers to create very constructive environment. Here are some of the importance of play.

1. Cognitive Development
Do you know that play increases brain development? Children benefit from the skills the brain learn in problem solving and critical thinking. I have learned that via plays like building with blocks or solving puzzles, children get spatial awareness and logical reasoning.
2. Social Skills
Playing has enabled children to associate or interact with other children helping them develop social skills. They are also able to learn how to share, negotiate or solve conflict situations through collaborative games. These interactions have been known to create understanding, and developing healthy relationships.

3. Emotional Growth
Play is very useful because it gives children a platform to express their emotions. Whether children are acting as superheroes or merely playing at house, we can witness emotions like joy and frustration or fear of the dark can be simulated. Through this method, I can clearly say children learn how to manage their feelings and develop mentally.
4. Physical Development
What is physical development? Plays that require motion have been noted to help in physical health. Some of this plays are like running, jumping, climbing among others. Do you know that physical fitness also fights obesity as well as develops passion for exercising that may last for the entire life of the child?

5. Stress Relief
How do you manage you stress? It is important for children to play as this may be a method of relieving stress as it enables them to relax and forget about other issues.



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